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HomeNews & Views

All news by: Megan Veldman

Mental Heal Awareness Month: An HR Perspective

Mental health is a critical aspect of overall well-being, and the role of Human Resources in supporting employees mental health cannot be overstated. Megan Veldman, in her role as the HR Manager of the Moore Johannesburg office, understands the importance of addressing mental health within the workplace, especially during international mental health awareness month in October.

Ways To Avoid Burnout and Improve Employee Wellbeing

It’s no secret that the workplace can be a breeding ground for burnout. With long hours, demanding deadlines, economic downturn, cost of living and little room for error, it’s no wonder that so many people end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. Megan Veldman, HR Manager at Moore Johannesburg explores a few things you can do as an employer to prevent burnout and improve employee well-being. From creating a positive work environment to offering flexible work options, there are many ways to help your employees avoid burnout.

Mentally Aware, Mentally Prepare

At Moore, we care deeply for our peers and unfortunately people suffering from a mental health disorder do not disclose this for fear of being discriminated against in general and especially in the workplace. There is very little education around this subject due to the various mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse and job stress. Statistics show that many people have experienced  job stress or anxiety which can lead to a downward spiral should they not be caught and managed as soon as possible.

UIF explained

The Department of Finance has increased the UIF Contribution limit to R177.12 with effect from 1 June 2021. The result thereof is that UIF will now be capped at a maximum contribution of R177.12 per month (as opposed to the R148.72 previously). Megan Veldman unbundles UIF.

Managing the Change

“A leader’s job is to look into the future and see the organisation not as it is, but as it should be.” Jack Welch 
Megan Veldman, the Human Resource Manager at Moore Johannesburg in Parktown shares her views on how Human Resources should be the driving force in any organisation to ensure that employees and Management have the best resources to deal with the changing landscape.